Friday 11th April

Welcome Reception
Festival passholders
Oscar’s, Ludlow Assembly Rooms
Festival passholders are invited to join us for a light, buffet supper and drinks ahead of the evening’s performances.
Saturday 12th April

Talk: The Art of Translation
Ludlow Assembly Rooms (60 mins)
An exclusive event for festival passholders: Katy Hamilton chairs a discussion including lyricist and translator Jeremy Sams, writer Jessica Duchen, and pianist Ian Tindale.
Film: Janet Baker In Her Own Words (2019)
Ludlow Assembly Rooms (1hr 40mins)
John Bridcut’s acclaimed portrait of Britain’s greatest classical singer of the 20th Century featuring excerpts of some of her most celebrated performances.
Ticket includes entry for Dame Janet Baker in Conversation at 4.00pm.

Talk: Dame Janet Baker in conversation with John Bridcut
Ludlow Assembly Rooms (60 mins)
A very special occasion as Dame Janet Baker joins us in conversation with John Bridcut to discuss her life, voice and career. Open to all passholders or with a ticket for the film.
Lotte Betts-Dean, Brett Dean, & Iain Burnside
St Laurence’s Church (75 mins)
Visionary Australian mezzo Lotte Betts-Dean, known for her ‘irrepressible sense of drama and unmissable, urgent musicality’ (The Guardian), performs alongside her father, internationally acclaimed violist & composer Brett Dean.

Friday 11th April and Sunday 13th April at 4.30pm
Bonus Event
Join a Guided Tour of St Laurence’s Church
St Laurence’s Church (60 mins)
Join a friendly, expert tour of the wonders of Ludlow’s ‘Cathedral of the Marches’ for just £5. Proceeds support St. Laurence’s Church. Open to all festival goers but numbers are strictly limited.
Sunday 13th April

Talk: Brett Dean in conversation with Katy Hamilton
Festival passholders
Ludlow Assembly Rooms (60 mins)
An exclusive event for festival passholders: Katy Hamilton talks to Brett Dean, violist and celebrated composer of vocal, chamber and orchestral music, about his work.

Young Artists Masterclass
with Dame Ann Murray
Festival passholders
Ludlow Assembly Rooms (90 mins)
An exclusive event for festival passholders: The great Irish mezzo Dame Ann Murray leads an inspirational masterclass, guiding two young singers through the challenges of English Song repertoire.